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Avoid dropping a CV clanger

#Changing jobs

CVs can have a reputation of being something between ‘aspirational’ and a work of total fiction – but if you want to be taken seriously, your CV is important.

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Before you send your CV, do your research

#Changing jobs

Sure, you want a job – but it’s vital that your CV and application are a good match to the advertised role. Finding out about a potential employer is an essential step to achieving this – and to interview success.

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Making the most of your CV

#Changing jobs

For sure, a CV is important to secure an interview, but many CVs are (at best) underwhelming and (at worst) so flawed that they work against you. You must get it right: your CV is your ambassador to potential employers. If it doesn’t shine, then you won’t land an interview.

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The importance of the covering letter

#Changing jobs

For many job applicants, their CV’s covering letter is a missed opportunity instead of a chance to shine.

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Your CV is not enough

#Changing jobs

Here’s the bad news. In an increasingly competitive job market, the good old CV just doesn’t cut it any more. But there’s some good news.

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